Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Butterfly Effect

Have you heard the term "butterfly effect"?? Well to those who are yet to be enlightened by that one : its a series of movies and a nice one. But I am not referring it to as something related to extraordinary power as shown in the movie.I am talking about the power to change or to govern some one's mind.A more appropriate word would be power to manipulate one's (or rather men's ) mind..

Have you ever seen a guy who is addicted by marijuana or even cigarettes,who is not ever seen in class for the whole semester, who has never been serious in his life suddenly one day starts doing everything which he was supposed to do.He stops doing drugs , becomes serious about his life and gets ready half an hour before the class.He starts studying seriously.If you haven't seen such kind of person than you are either too much dedicated to studies or you are the one whom I am talking about :P .

well the idea of this blog came in my mind when I was watching MTV Roadies Audition.And in that Audition a Beautiful girl walks in and Raghu asks her what is the basic difference between a girl and a boy? And the girl starts looking up as if she was searching for LAN wire in the sky(well it reminded me of my RP ).Finally She comes up with this : boys are physically strong than girls (well the Male Chauvinism seeps into me at times cant help ...) but girls are mentally strong.They can "manipulate" your mind.

The best example of this phenomena is one of my friend (ahem.. ahem.. i have lot of heartbroken Friends it seems ) I don't want to mention his name but he was a normal guy until a girl broke his heart and then he was rarely seen for almost two years in the class.But now he has bounced back to his normal life.Any guesses why?? Because another girl has come to his life and he is really doing good now.

So,It seems justified when Raghu says : 'Mind Manipulators' may be for good or for bad.
Its only a matter of chance for meeting the right person at right time. And that's the end of this one.

PS : So Guys Roll up your sleeve and find someone who wishes you to be her MIRACLE.